Friday 5 February 2016


A Green building focuses on increasing the efficiency of resource use – energy, water, and materials – while reducing building impact on human health and the environment during the building’s lifecycle, through better sitting, design, construction, operation, maintenance, and removal. Green Buildings should be designed and operated to reduce the overall impact of the built environment on its surroundings.
Why Green Buildings Are Good
Green, the iconic color of plants, is the symbol for sustainability in buildings. Green is good for the facility’s triple bottom line (people, planet, and profit). Green buildings are:
  1. Good for occupants (healthier and more comfortable working space)
  2. Good for our environment (reduced resource depletion and higher sustainability, which helps preserve the earth for future generations).
  3. Good for business (higher employee productivity, lower energy and life cycle costs, higher client attraction/retention, higher resale value, and enhanced public relations).
.Many people mentally equate green buildings with energy savings. Reducing energy use is indeed one critically important aspect of sustainability. However, being “green” is actually more comprehensive than “just” saving energy. Green buildings (compared to traditional buildings) have reduced environmental footprints while still enhancing the indoor environmental quality (IEQ) for the occupants. Green means getting more with less—more quality of life for building occupants while using less planetary resources.
Top 5 reasons why to opt for a GREEN BUILDING
  1.  Green buildings are designed to save energy and resources, recycle materials and minimize the emission of toxic substances throughout its life cycle.
  2. Green buildings harmonize with the local climate, traditions, culture and the surrounding environment.
  3. Green buildings are able to sustain and improve the quality of human life whilst maintaining the capacity of the ecosystem at local and global levels.
  4. Green buildings make efficient use of resources; have significant operational savings and increases workplace productivity.
  5. Building green sends the right message about a company or organization – that it is well run, responsible, and committed to the future.
Masters believes that as we live in one world, we have a collective responsibility to work together to achieve change around the globe. Green buildings don't just make sound ecological and environmental sense - they make would economic sense too.
Countries throughout the globe have adopted various approaches and strategies for addressing climate change and driving sustainable development.
Some Sustainable Living Tips by Masters
  1. Turn off the lights, air-conditioning and television and reduce unnecessary electrical use.
  2. Try alternative Green renewable energy for some or all of your electricity
  3. Use energy-efficient lighting appliances and hot water services
  4. Walk, cycle or use public transport where possible.
  5. If you use a car, try to car pool with friends or co-workers.
  6. Optimise car use activities to reduce your car trips.
  7. Consider the option to live, learn work and play within the community or locality of your home.
  8. Consider buying a fuel efficient car and service it regularly.
  9. Consider living in an area that has public transport options.
  10. Avoid excess packaging and use a reusable bag when shopping.
  11. Recycle packaging and bags.
  12. Donate unwanted items to charities.
  13. Use compost systems or worm farms for food scraps and garden wastes.
  14. Correctly dispose of household hazardous wastes and batteries.
  15. Do not litter or discharge wastes into the waterways and surroundings.
  16. Reduce wasteful water use, i.e. have shorter showers, self-closing taps.
  17. Fix faulty plumbing and install water-wise showers and taps.
  18. Consider changing to low-water-use appliances such as washing machines and toilets.
  19. Grow a water-wise garden.
  20. Consider installing a rainwater tank for watering the garden or external cleaning purposes.
  21. Don’t throw rubbish into drains and waterways.
  22. Implement soil erosion and proper drainage to areas where earth has been disturbed to prevent siltation of waterways.
  23. Preserve and maintain natural water courses and catchment areas
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